
Shanghai (Day 8): Yangshan Port Visit, General Motors Visit, and Chinese Acrobatics Show

The 8th Wonder of the World…… Yangshan Port

Have you ever wondered how everything you buy from China gets here?

Well, today I learned when I was welcomed to the port of Shanghai, which has an area of 3.94 square kilometers or the size of 470 football fields! Although it is massive in size, location was key to the success. Location, location, location: Shanghai’s position at the mouth of the Yangtze River made it a key area of development for coastal trade during the Qing dynasty from 1644 to 1912. Hence, it has become the world’s busiest trading port.

My class mates and I boarded a bus with the Trade Lane Manager, Mac Sullivan, who introduced some facts about the port. From his speech, we learned that the Yangshan Port, handles a staggering 32 million containers a year carrying 736 million tons of goods to far-flung places around the globe. Additionally, in 1842, Shanghai became a treaty port, which opened it up to foreign trade, and by the early 20th Century it became the largest in the Far East.Trade became stifled after 1949, however, when the economic policies of the People’s Republic crippled infrastructure and development. But after economic reforms in 1991, the port was able to expand exponentially. In 1949, with the Communist takeover in Shanghai, overseas trade was cut dramatically. The economic policy of the People’s Republic had a crippling effect on Shanghai’s infrastructure and capital development. In 1991, the central government allowed Shanghai to initiate economic reform. Since then, the port of Shanghai has developed at an increasing pace, including the construction of Yangshan port which is connected to the mainland Donghai Bridge, the world’s longest sea bridge.

Unfortunately, the smog and weather of the day did not create great photos on my end so I reached out to the internet just to show you how incredibly amazing and huge this place actually was. Stretching as far as the eye can see, rows upon rows of containers lie stacked up at the Port of Shanghai waiting to be shipped abroad and bringing in trillions of pounds to the Chinese economy in the process. It’s this fearsome capacity that has helped China become the world’s largest trading nation when it leapfrogged the United States last year. It is now considered the Goliath of global trade.

Overall, the bridge was pretty amazing, but being rushed on time and also poor weather I we could have got out to take more photos.

General Motors

Completing the Yangshan Port, we were taken to General Motors. Unfortunately, my class mates and I did not learn too much from Anne Schneider, the Executive Director of Production Control and Logistics, so I had to do some of my own research. My reach, thus, gave me a glimpse into General Motors.


About General Motors Co.

General Motors Company and partners produce vehicles in 31 countries, and the company has leadership positions in the world’s largest and fastest-growing automotive markets. GM, its subsidiaries and joint venture entities sell vehicles under the Chevrolet, Cadillac,  Baojun, Buick, GMC, Holden, Jiefang, Opel, Vauxhall and Wuling brands.

Back to My Experience…..

How long does it actually take to produce a full-size vehicle?

Well, today, I was introduced to this process, when my class and I were able to get a behind- the -scenes walking tour of the plant!  The approximately 30-minute narrated tour took us from the beginning to the end. As work was being completed right in front of us, we were restricted behind bars for our safety and I was unsure if I could take pictures; so I did not!

To me, I know nothing about cars! I might have done an experimental lab on the radiator once, but my extent of knowledge ends there. But I really enjoyed the entire walkthrough although, the narration was hard to hear and understand.It was fascinating to see the large-scale assembly line come together to make a vehicle. Every area had a specific purpose – from installing the interiors to marrying the vehicle. Seriously, this is the term where the chassis first meets the body. From what I did learned from the guided narration was that GM employees are highly skilled workers, as many have one specific job…and they have less than 60 seconds to complete that job before another vehicle comes to them.

Chinese Acrobatics Show

This day isn’t over yet, a group of us decided to see tonight the Chinese Acrobats at a large theater located in the heart of Shanghai.

These talented athletes tumble and flip, twist and bend in mesmerizing ways, demonstrating how practice, concentration and hard work turn their bodies into moving works of art. They skillfully balance or juggle items such as porcelain jars, silk umbrellas, tables or each other as they share this ancient and colorful art form. The Fabulous Chinese Acrobats give audiences an unforgettable, breathtaking experience. The fitness of the acrobats is incredible and very entertaining.   It was a full day but we are glad we made it to see these guys.


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